ATU Local 1505 Membership Votes Against Current Memorandum of Agreement

Winnipeg, October 27, 2023— After thorough consideration and a democratic vote, the members of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1505 have chosen to reject the current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) proposed by the employer, Winnipeg Transit.

The decision reflects the concerns and priorities of our dedicated transit workers, who have been steadfast in their pursuit of fair wages, secure working conditions, and the protection of their rights. Despite this outcome, ATU Local 1505 remains committed to open dialogue and fair negotiations.

The rejection of the current MOA is not a setback, but rather an opportunity for both parties to continue working towards a mutually beneficial agreement. ATU Local 1505 remains resolute in advocating for the best interests of our members and the community we proudly serve.

We extend our gratitude to our members for their active participation in the voting process, and we assure them that their voices will continue to be heard and valued as we move forward.